General Coaching Information

Training Guideline

Warm up - 10 minutes
Spread legs apart and touch your left finger tips to your right foot and the opposite foot, do the same by stretching your arm above your head and stretching as far to the opposite side.

Warm up activity - 5 minutes
Jump in the air land softly, bend at hips and knees with bottom sticking out keeping you knees inline with your feet.

Using the transverse line have them hop from one side to the other watching for body control, knee is in line with foot and not pointing at different directions. Get them to catch the ball and return keeping core stretch.

Place cones in 2 rows of 5 about 1-2 metres apart. Have the girls in two groups behind the first cone and them have them race to pick up each cone individually, watching for the turn and bringing pack to the first cone, then the next girl to place the cones back again. This helps with sprints, bending and pivoting.

Session activities - 30 minutes
Body Wraps - Have the player stand with feet together start the ball at their ankles and move the ball around their bodies up to the waist and back again. Using one hand only except when to change hands. Then once mastered have them one leg forward and do a figure 8  around and between their legs

Connections -Break the girls in to two teams using 1/3 only. Give one team the bibs. When a girl catches the balls they must then pass then run and touch the closest sideline (watch the leg that lands closest to the sideline and make sure they push off driving hard) they then come back to receive another pass if needed.

Pair work -1 ball between 2 players have them throw the ball to each other in between they must touch the ground and clap prior to catching again.

As coaches we are watching they they are stepping forward into the pass, wrist and fingers direct and control the ball. They are watching the ball at all times.

Group work - 4 players and 1 ball. have a diamond with cones at positions of 12,3,6 and 9 as per clock. Player a starts at 12, players b, c and d start at 6 position. Have player b run to 3 cone player A passes to her then runs to 9 cone and receives ball then throws to player c who is dodging around player d. Player C then passes to player B who has run to 12 cone. The ball goes from 12,3,9,6 and back to 12 to start again. This teaches to run into space, passes in front and landing.

Game/half court - 10 minutes

Warm down - 5 minutes

Coaching support

Coaching Code of Behaviour
Coaching Information Phoenix
Coaching Tips
Fuelling and Cooling the Junior AthleteLook after our athletes
Session Plan TemplateDesign coach session plans
Skills Summary to TeachSkills to teach each age group/skill level
Shooting cardsTo be used by coaches and players to practice
Team Sheet templateRecord Team contacts, draw, positions and game statistics
Voting and Player Point Template Record points for Phoenix Awards 

Incident & Injury at training or DPNA fixtures (updated 30 May 2024)


  • Please call Triple Zero (000) if someone is seriously injured or in need or urgent medical attention
  • Do not leave an injured player unattended 
  • For players under 18 years of age, the Coach / Manager should immediately contact the players parent / guardian / emergency contact
  • A First Aid box can be found inside the equipment shed
  • The First Aid box is equipped to provide "minimal" First Aid care only. This it to treat extremely minor injuries or to provide initial aid until further aid is provided, if required. Any care required beyond "minimal" First Aid care should not be treated by a Phoenix members.
  • For any injury requiring more than minimal First Aid, either the player should be taken to a suitable location (i.e. hospital, clinic, home) for further aid as requested by the player (or player's parent/guardian/emergency contact) or Triple Zero should be called if needed.
  • Coaches / Managers should complete a  Phoenix Netball Club - Injury Incident Report Form (EDITABLE) as soon as practically possible.  Completed forms are to be emailed to     
  • If you use a first aid item or notice items are low in stock, please email to ensure that there is sufficient equipment in the First Aid box.

  • Do not leave an injured player unattended 
  • First Aid personnel are in attendance at all DPNA fixtures
  • First Aid and ice are available at the First Aid room in the DPNA Clubhouse, as well as the First Aid tent beside the Jackie O'Meara courts (see DPNA map)
  • For insurance purposes, injuries should be reported to DPNA First Aid and recorded in the injury Record Book..  Coaches / Managers should also complete a  Phoenix Netball Club - Injury Incident Report Form (EDITABLE) as soon as practically possible.  Completed form are to be emailed to 

  • All Phoenix members must adhere to the AUSTRALIAN CONCUSSION GUIDELINES FOR YOUTH AND COMMUNITY SPORT as implemented by DPNA for season 2024.
  • Concussion Referral And Return Form must be completed for any player suffering a concussion, or suspected concussion. This form must be completed on the day of the injury and provided to the healthcare practitioner who will be reviewing the player.
  • The player is not permitted to return to training or playing until approval is given by a healthcare practitioner, via the Concussion Referral And Return Form
  • The player must be symptom free for 14 DAYS before returning to any contact training. The minimum time before returning to competitive contact (i.e. playing) is 21 DAYS

Rising Stars Carnival

Held at the Phoenix Netball Courts, for 7-10 year olds
Downey Park releases the 2025 Draw
ANZAC Day March
Downey Park Round 1 (Games Start)
Downey Park - Pink Day (Round 3)
Entire Calendar...
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