
Phoenix Netball club is a community-based sporting organisation that is fully managed and operated by volunteers. The viability and success of the club is a direct result of the contribution of its members.

If you would like to help the club please volunteer for one of the many roles available. There are many different roles you can help with from management committee positions, coaching, fundraising, grounds maintenance or game day support at Downey Park.

Some of the ways you can volunteer are:

Committee Member

Join the Phoenix Management Committee by nominating for one of the committee positions.  The committee meets once per month from 7-9 pm on a Thursday. 

Positions on the Management Committee include:

  • President – Responsible for the leadership, direction and coordination of the activities of the club.
  • Vice President - Assist the President with the leadership, direction and coordination of the activities of the club 
  • Registrar - Manage player registrations. 
  • Secretary - Manage incoming / outgoing mail, schedule Management Committee & Annual General Meetings and record & retain meeting minutes. 
  • Treasurer - Receive payments, pay invoices, reconcile accounts, budgeting, compile monthly financial reports and liaise with external auditor to ensure the club meets its legal responsibilities for financial management & reporting.  
  • Coaching Convenor - Support coaches, Recommend coaching courses. 
  • Equipment Convenor - Organise and distribute team equipment at the beginning of the season and collect at the end of season. Purchase extra equipment as required. 
  • Umpire Convenor - Support umpires on game days and prepare weekly umpire roster 
  • Uniform Convenor - Manage the purchase and selling of club uniforms and merchandise. 
  • Facilities Manager – Manage facility projects and maintenance, including coordinating council minor works applications and collaborating with the Head Lessee and other clubs operating at the Ferny Sports Reserve. 
  • Player Representative – support club captains with their duties and reporting to the management committee. Undertake player surveys and encourage ideas from the playing group that can be shared with the management committee to inform club activities and decisions made for the club. 
  • General Member x 4 elected positions – these positions may be elected once all the other committee positions have been filled. Support management committee positions in the administration and operational activities of the club.  

Volunteer Positions

There are also positions within the club that support the management committee and club activities. These positions include: 

  • Team Coach - Train a team for an hour one afternoon/night a week in the lead up and during the Downey Park winter Netball season. Prepare and coach the team at Downey Park on Saturday's for about 1.5 hours. There are usually 14 games during the season. 
  • Team Manager - Co-ordinate team communication and provide a liaison role between parents/players and the club management committee. Manage the team and DPNA requirements for the team on Game Day, such as registration and score card completion and rosters for timing and scoring. 
  • Volunteer Convenor - Create and manage online volunteer register. Email reminders to volunteers. 
  • Web Manager - Maintain website ensuring content is kept up-to-date by liaising with members of the management committee. Undertake web publishing requests and manage arrangement with web provider. Administer Committee email accounts and maintain arrangement with email service provider. 
  • Fundraising Coordinator - Identify fundraising opportunities and help organise fundraising events. Support club captains in the organisation of the clubs Downey Park Fundraiser day. 
  • Sponsorship Manager- Secure and manage sponsorship arrangements o Tour/Carnival convenor - Coordinate netball trip for senior players (13 years and over). Trip is once every two years and may be overseas. Coordinate carnival opportunities for the club and other club trips, such as game day experiences at professional netball tournaments. Members can also nominate to provide support for club activities as needed, including fundraising, barbecues, grant writing and grounds maintenance.  
  • Fundraising Support - Spend 2 hours assisting the club with fundraising activity. Opportunities will be listed here throughout the year. These will include: retail barbecues (Bunnings), club fundraiser day at Downey Park, Pink Sports Day, Legacy Badge sales (Anzac Day and Remembrance Day). 
  • Game Day Netball Liaison (Downey Park) - Spend 2 hours on a Saturday observing off-court behaviour of spectators, coaches and managers. All clubs are requested to provide a netball liaison on behalf of DPNA each Saturday fixture round. The role of game day liaisons is to help encourage a positive culture for players and ensure the DPNA Codes of Behaviour is followed by people off-court. Liaisons are required to be a member of an affiliated club (this includes players parents), wear the DPNA yellow vest and be a responsible adult.  For more information see Game Day Liaison checklist (for Phoenix volunteers).
  • Ground Maintenance  - As required, work as a team to maintain Phoenix courts and immediate surrounds, located at Tramway Street in Ferny Grove. Duties may include mowing, leaf blowing, cleaning drains, gardening and general clean-up.

2024 / 2025 Office Bearers Nomination Form

The nomination form for Committee positions for 2024 / 2025 can be down loaded from the following link:

Office Bearer Nomination Form

Nomination forms must be sent to secretary@phoenixnetball.org.au by Thursday 29 August.

For more information about the 2023/2024 or 2024/2025 Committee please click here

Rising Stars Carnival

Held at the Phoenix Netball Courts, for 7-10 year olds
Downey Park releases the 2025 Draw
ANZAC Day March
Downey Park Round 1 (Games Start)
Downey Park - Pink Day (Round 3)
Entire Calendar...
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Downey Park Netball Netball Queensland Netball Australia Firebirds Sunshine Coast Lightning Suncorp Super Netball