Umpiring Information

At Phoenix

We will:
  • Support, encourage & mentor
  • Provide support & guidance on badging, both association Junior & Netball Queensland National Badges
  • Aim to give a range of games to umpires from Nippers to Opens as deemed appropriate. We will try to spread games evenly amongst all Umpires but due to operational and development needs this may not always be the case. 

Contact & Additional Information

All email queries are best sent to:

Please read the following Umpire Handout: Umpire Handout

New Umpires
Please see further information for new Umpires here. Anyone who identifies at sign on that they wish to umpire will be contacted with more information.

Experienced Umpires

Experienced umpires may wish to request to be tested for Junior & Netball Queensland National Badges . For more information, please click here.

Fixture Allocations
Usually on the Sunday prior to a fixture day you will receive an email from the Umpiring Convenor advising of your game/s for the coming round.  Please make sure you note the email address as a safe sender or check your Junk box each week. 

We will not allocate you to a game we do not feel you are capable of and we have mentors at the courts each week. As a result, some umpires may get more games than others over the season. We need to adhere to the guidelines set down by DPNA in respect of allocations of umpires to certain standards of games. If in any doubt, look for the club Umpiring convenor, a Committee Member or someone in a white Phoenix Umpire shirt (Phoenix National C-Badge holders will be wearing these).  

Guidelines for Umpires

Umpires will be correctly attired each week in Phoenix playing uniform, have a whistle, rule book and water bottle (non-competitive division umpires must wear a white t-shirt / bib)

If you know in advance of any particular dates you will not be available to umpire please email the Umpiring Convenor in advance.

You will need to confirm back no later than Tuesday night of each week. If we do not hear from you, we will assume you are unable to umpire that game and will allocate it to someone else. We need to confirm all our allocated umpires and games on the Thursday prior to fixtures directly to DPNA. A final email of confirmed allocations will be issued to all umpires no later than Friday night of each week.

Under no circumstances is anyone to swap games with another umpire - refer to the Umpiring Convenor in the first instance.

On Game day 

Each week you need to sign on at the DPNA desk for your game, no less than 20 mins prior to the game starting. You can sign on sooner if you wish (especially if you are playing in the previous round). You need to make sure you note down the date, time and court number you're umpiring. DPNA does not keep individual names on their roster, only that a Phoenix umpire is allocated to that game. DPNA may, at their discretion, swap you on to another game for operational requirements.  

Arrive at your allocated game no later than 15 mins prior to commencement of the game (or as soon as possible after the completion of your game)

Should you need assistance, look for the club Umpiring Convenor, Committee Members or Phoenix Badged umpires.

Too sick to umpire?

If you are sick and unable to umpire you must contact the Umpiring Convenor by text ASAP, so that an alternative umpire can be found. If we do not supply an umpire for a game the club is fined by DNPA.  

Umpire Payments

Umpire payments are made twice through the season in lump sums. 

Rates per match (as at start of 2023 season):
National B Badge $30
National C Badge $25
Competitive divisions $15
Non competitive   $10

Umpiring for Other Clubs:

All requests from other clubs must come via the Umpiring Convenors. If an umpire is approached directly from another club please refer them to the Umpiring Convenor in the first instance.

There may be instances that we may involve umpires from other clubs to umpire our games and conversely other clubs may contact us for umpires. If you umpire for another club it is important that you are representing not only Phoenix but also the other club. A professional presentation and attitude is expected. 

In most instances you will be paid in cash on the day by the other club involved. The Umpiring Convenor will facilitate.

Rising Stars Carnival

Held at the Phoenix Netball Courts, for 7-10 year olds
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