Player Development Program/ Clinics

There a variety of netball clinics available for a range of ages.

We've listed some of the clinics held locally and run by us and our associations.

Phoenix Junior Netball Program

Phoenix- Logo 100

Phoenix Netball is running a Junior Netball Program aimed at 6.5-10 year olds who are interested in trying netball or "giving it a go". This program will be run by a number of Phoenix's experienced coaches and will focusing on developing some of the basic skills utilised in a netball game.

The program runs for 6 weeks:
Starts: Tuesday 10th October 2023.
Ends: Tuesday 14th November 2023
Time: 5.00pm - 6.00pm
Wet day (if needed) Tuesday 21st November 2023

Focus areasFootwork, Catching and Passing, Movement, Game play
For Ages: 6.5years - 10 years (born <30/06/2017, 2016, 2015, 2014)
Cost: $80 (including shirt/singlet and ball)

Venue: Phoenix Netball Courts, Ferny Grove Parklands, just off Tramway Street. Go up the lane between The Grove Sports Club and the Tramway Museum.

For more information contact the Phoenix Registrar.

DPNA NetSetGo 5-7yrs Program

DPNA% 20 Logo% 20 High ResDPNA NetSetGO 5-7yrs Program will run a program in 2022 that aligns with the Winter competition

WHERE: Downey Park Netball Association (Enclosed Area Courts – meet at Court 9), 
Corner Green Terrace & Northey Street, Windsor 

WHEN:   Saturday mornings for 8 weeks (Dates for 2020 to be released) 

DATES:   April 30 - June 18
                July 16 - September 3


COST:    TBA per participant, includes a Suncorp NetSetGO Participant Pack. Please note the Participant Pack is sent directly to the player from Netball Australia. This portion of the fees ($25.30) is non-refundable.

REGISTER:         Check the DPNA Website > PLAY > NetSetGO (5-10yrs) for Registration details
For more information about NetSetGO (Netball for 5-10 year olds), please visit: DPNA Website > PLAY > NetSetGO (5-10yrs) 

All Star Clinics

All Star Clinics

all starsAges: 12-17 years
Hosted by: various associations

All Stars Netball Clinics powered by Chemist Warehouse are unique specialist netball clinics, with a high performance focus, where participants learn from a variety of current and former elite netballers to help improve their game.
Led by Laura Geitz, the All Stars coaching team, have an enthusiastic approach to broadening & refining the skillset of Queensland’s developing netballers and provide an insight into a high performance training environment.
These clinics cater for varied ages ranging from 12-17 years, are inclusive of all genders and playing abilities ranging from representative netballers to passionate players eager for a challenge and looking to learn some new skills. During these 2 hour clinics, participants will be exposed to:
  • General Ballwork & Footwork Skills
  • Group based Courtwork activities and
  • SPECIALIST shooter, mid-court or defensive sessions
The specialist sessions provide players with an opportunity to receive targeted feedback in relation to technical and tactical skills for their chosen position. The All Stars aim is to help each participant discover and grasp new concepts and to master their basics.
Aspiring netballers seeking to take their game to new heights and netball lovers alike will thrive in All Stars Netball Clinic environment. To learn from Laura & her team of All Star Coaches, look below to find a clinic location near you!

Cougar Cubs

cougarsAges: 11-14yrs

Brisbane North Cougars are our regional repesentative association encompassing Brisbane Netball Association (BNA), Downey Park Netball Association (DPNA), Pine Rivers Netball Association (PRNA), Queensland Catholic Netball Association (QCNA) and Redcliffe Netball Association (RNA)

Towards the end of the Winter season Brisbane North Cougars hosts a Cougar Cubs program open to players turning 11 - 14yrs. For more information visit their website: Cougar Cubs Development

Downey Player Development Program (PDP)

Downey PDP

DPNA% 20 Logo% 20 High Res

Ages: 12 years (2010) -15 years (2007)
Hosted by: DPNA

The DPNA Player Development Program (PDP) provides an opportunity for players between the ages of 11 and 15 to train with accredited coaches, to build a solid foundation of core skills and to continue their development as a player. While PDP provides a solid foundation for players wishing to trial for DPNA Representative teams, all players within the Association are welcome to participate in the Player Development Program.
Cost: TBC* per player (payable upon registration)
* plus online processing fee
Dates: To be updated
PDP Session Times:  
  • to be updated
Uniform: Players are required to wear a DPNA PDP training singlet or white singlet with black bike pants.

Downey 10 & 11 Years kickstart program

Downey 10 & 11 years kickstart program

DPNA% 20 Logo% 20 High Res

Ages: 10 years (2012) -11 years (2011)
Hosted by: DPNA

The DPNA 10 & 11 years kickstart program has been created to give our younger and developing players the chance to start off their season with focused training sessions. Players will be trained by DPNA Respresentative Coaches, with the support of our Greater Brisbane Netball League (GBNL) players!.
Cost: TBC* per player (payable upon registration)
* plus online processing fee
Dates: To be updated
Session Times:  
  • to be updated
Registration: This program is capped at 30 players per group

For more information visit Downey Park's website > Rep > 10 & 11 years Kickstart program

Firebirds Holiday Clinics

Firebird Clinics

FirebirdsAges: check website
Hosted by: Netball Queensland

Firebirds clinics run during the school hoidays for one day at selected locations. Visit Netball Queensland or search firebirds school holiday clinics for more info.

QCNA Player Development Program (PDP)


QCNA - circle

Ages: 12 years (2010) - 14 years (2008)

Hosted by: QC Netball

Cost: $130* per player (payable upon registration)

* plus online processing fee


Dates: To be updated


Session Timesto be updated


Registration: visit QC Netball's website for registration links

For more information visit QC Netball's website > Rep > Junior State Age

Rising Stars Carnival

Held at the Phoenix Netball Courts, for 7-10 year olds
Downey Park releases the 2025 Draw
ANZAC Day March
Downey Park Round 1 (Games Start)
Downey Park - Pink Day (Round 3)
Entire Calendar...
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Downey Park Netball Netball Queensland Netball Australia Firebirds Sunshine Coast Lightning Suncorp Super Netball